Monday, August 29, 2011

Our school room

So, we got all moved in to our new house. We've been here almost 2 months now and I am still in the honeymoon phase. I love this house and know that it is the house meant for us. There are so many things I love about it but tonight I'll just share my FAVORITE room with you. I was happy to have an extra room that we could store our school stuff in, and at first that is how I pictured it, just a room to store stuff in and maybe a computer or tv for the kiddos. As things started going in to the room it became my favorite room and I could sit in there and just design it in my head. I had no problem doing our school work at the kitchen table or in the living room on the couch but that was before I had the room to have a designated space for school. I really believe we all will be comfortable doing our school work in there. I decided to share some pictures with you, especially for those curious homeschoolers that love to see other people's school spaces. There are a few things I still want to add. Some bright colored valances will be nice. I would love to find some bean bags for the kids to sit and read on and a bright colored clock but here is what we have so far.....

The brown shelf has all our leisure reading books, the colored tubs on the bottom have paperback books, chapter books and scholastic books. The blue tubs on top are workbooks and the white basket is full of readers. The shelves up top are filled with textbooks, curriculum, art supplies, basic school supplies, and past years binders. The two posters on the wall on the right are Dr Suess numbers and alphabet. Drawers on the right house craft supplies, legos, and lincoln logs.

 This is the chalkboard we made. We bought a piece of birch plywood ($8), a can on tintable chalkboard paint ($8). We put 2 coats of paint on, hung it on the wall and then just put a bulletin border on it. You can use chalkboard paint directly on the wall, but this wall is paneling and I didn't want the lines. Oh, and I still have 3/4 of a can of chalkboard paint left :)
This is the computer end of the classroom. It isn't quite done yet. I want to hang the sombrero by the maps and put the Japanese dolls(the ones on window) on a shelf as well as add all the other items that Jerry has collected in his travels.

 I love these. I found them at Wal-Mart today while grocery shopping. They were on clearance for $4 for the set. They are dry erase circles that stick to the wall but can be removed and re-applied. I gave each school age child one for their daily schedule.
Okay last picture. This is our table that we found at a garage sale for $15. I have to give Jerry credit for this one since he is the one that said we should get it for this room. I love it and it fits perfectly in there. It's a great size so that we can work together but not be right on each other either. My white board is essential to me. The posters on the wall are times tables and addition facts. The lower ones on the right are shapes and colors.

Well, that is our school room. We are very proud of it and very grateful to have a special space just for school. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Be careful what you wish for

It had been one of those days and it wasn't even half over. I had house to clean, kids fighting, and 2 little ones wanting my attention. I needed to go to the store but the baby was actually asleep on my oldest daughter, so after some thought I decided to sneak out with just the 3yr old. The baby always goes with me because she is a momma's girl and cries for everyone else. I knew I just needed a cpl things so I did it, I left.
On my way to the grocery store  I was reflecting on my typical busy hectic morning(I don't encourage reflecting while driving). I caught myself day dreaming(again not recommended while driving) about what things would be like in a couple years. You know, how easy life would be when Maria could drive to the store to get milk and Zoey and Lilly would be old enough to entertain themselves. Lilly would no longer be nursing so she wouldn't need me 24/7. Connor and Becky would be old enough to be lost in their own worlds instead of fighting over whose turn it is to pull who on the wood floors sock footed. When homeschooling would be easier because the younger ones would be sitting and doing work as well and someone else could make lunch so I could continue with another child, etc. etc etc..
Then I heard a little voice that snapped me back to reality,
Zoey~ "mom, I see you"
Me~ "I see you too"
Zoey~ "You're my best friend mom"
Me~ "swallow, deep breath..."you're my best friend too Zoe, I love you"

Why on earth would I want even one day to pass faster than it has to? Sure Maria could drive to the store for me, but then she will also want to drive other places and be even closer to being out in the real world. She'll be an official teenager this year and that's growing up too fast already. I should be grateful that Connor and Becky are even talking to each other, soon enough will come the day when they are more wrapped up in their friends to play with each other. Lilly is my last baby, the long nights and tied down days won't last  long. She's almost 8 months and is already learning that there is a world outside of me, even though she's not quite ready to explore it, she soon will be. I will have to bribe her to come snuggle and as for nursing, the time will come when she no longer physically "needs" me. And then...then there is Zoey I look at this amazing beautiful little girl and think, why, why would I ever want to rush time....I'm still her best friend.
Don't get me wrong, there will still be days that  I daydream, but I'm sure one of my amazing children will snap me back to reality(hopefully before I wreck my car).
So take a deep breath mommas, our jobs are hard but one day we will miss the hectic crazy days.
Now I'm off to make my best friend mad because she is STILL awake and dancing on the bed :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Online vs. IRL

Hello blog world.
     Like many others, I belong to several online message boards/forums. I also enjoy the world of online computer games and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. You hear a lot of people talk negatively about people being on their computers and not interacting with people IRL (in real life) enough. I do have to say that we are raising a generation dependent on technology(that's a whole other topic) but is there really anything wrong with having cyber friends? Are they "real" friends even though they aren't IRL? Why can't they be considered IRL, they are real people. It kind of reminds me of pen pals, just a faster delivery process :)
     I'll be the first to admit, I am a bad friend. With 5 children, everyday chores, homeschooling, and time with the hubby there leaves little time to hang with friends. I'm also a very introverted person, always have been. I've had my share of close friends but I was happiest with just a cpl good friends. I enjoy being at home, I enjoy spending time with my kids and my husband and well...the need to go out and socialize just isn't there for me. For someone like me, cyber friends are great. I can get on and "talk" when I have time or I can just get on and "lurk" to see what everyone is up to. I don't have to make excuses for not wanting to go shopping or out for coffee. I don't have to sit on the phone and try to listen while kids are yelling and playing in the background, heck I don't even have to worry about doing my hair or make up or what I am wearing.
     I could make up a whole different life online if I wanted, but what's funny is I find it so easy and comfortable to be completely honest online. It kind of feels like a safety net, I'm not worried about being the weird outsider or not having the most stylish clothes, etc. They are in cyber world, they can't see me(unless I want them to) and if I say something stupid it will get lost in the posts quickly or I can delete it.
     Yet, I still hear myself saying "someone on my message board" when I am discussing an online conversation with someone IRL. I really want to say "My friend said...." or "My friend went through that too". Why is it so taboo to admit you have REAL friends in your REAL life that you met online and have never met in person?
     I guess I just want to say that, especially in one online group, I have met some REAL friends. I know that I can go to these ladies and talk about anything and wow, we definitely have. I know that I can go and vent, share my frustrations, share my joys, talk about adult things, mom things, and well just talk about life......REAL LIFE.
     You ladies know who you are, and I just want to say Thank you. Thanks for being such good friends. Sometimes life gets busy, especially with new babies and you can kind of feel lost in the transition. You feel left out of certain groups, no longer want to be part of others and you can end up feeling pretty alone. But just know that it's okay to call your online friends, REAL friends and that we are there for each other.

Coming soon: We are about to start our new school year. We are all moved in to our new house and I have my favorite room done, our school room. Pictures to come soon.